Our Philosophy
Data Futures is not your normal consulting firm. Most consultants are more concerned with their pay than their clients success. They are more concerned with their image than giving good service. They're more interested in acquiring the largest clients they can, rather than help those in need. That's not what were about.
We're about helping, caring, and doing the best we can for our clients. That makes us different.
Data Futures is willing to help if you are willing to work with us. We don't perform miracles. We need your help to help you. We'll ask all the hard questions; make you think about what you do, how you do it and why you do it. You may have never had to face these questions and the answers may not be easy but they are necessary. With the answers to these questions, we can build and support what you need.
Data Futures is also about informing you of all your options. We have the information; so should you. Your informed decision, whether we agree with it or not, is our law. We're not going to argue the point if you have thought about the information and situation and come to an informed decision. We're not going to sulk and sneak behind your back doing what we want to do rather than follow your instructions. That's not the Data Futures way. Again, that makes us unique.
We're proud of who we are and what we do at Data Futures. Hopefully, we can make you proud to be our client and friend.

David J. Rubin
Founder and President

Jose Linares
David founded Data Futures after years of working for some of the biggest consulting firms. The focus of Data Futures was and still is on the database aspect of projects working in conjunction with other consulting firms. He quickly found that making the database a central aspect of a project was not something that other firms could grasp, so he included full project support (programming, database, project management and quality assurance) in Data Futures' repertoire. Now he's included product development (OnlineViolation™ and VirtualWaitingRoom.com™) with great success.
David received his BS in Chemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 1986 and quickly found his niche by combining chemistry with computers. After being forced to choose between chemistry and computers for a career, the lack of being poisoned, burned, cut, irradiated and otherwise harmed against carpal tunnel syndrome made the choice easy. His focus on computers led him from New England, to Wisconsin, to Florida and Data Futures.
David has been the recipient of many awards and citations for his work in various systems and projects. He has been the key note speaker at various international conferences and presented papers on advanced data warehousing techniques.
Jose spent the first half of his career at various small and large companies where he served as a programmer, DBA, data modeler and consultant. During that time his focus was usually taking legacy applications and converting them to an Oracle database. Usually he would move on because either the project was complete or he felt the need to take on new challenges.
In 2000, Jose joined Data Futures where he now enjoys using all his skills for our clients. He has since also added SQL Server and ColdFusion as well as project management to his skill set.
Jose started his career in computers as a young teen by hacking the source code to games and the OS of his Atari 800. From there he took more formal training by receiving a BS in Computer Science from the University of Miami in 1992. While there he played a critical role on the 1989 and 1991 NCAA football championship teams by attending games and consuming alcohol. After spending his entire life in Miami-Dade County Florida, Jose now works and resides in the more temperate climate of Broward County Florida.